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Data Integration Projects

A Guide to Data Integration Projects involving Commonwealth Data for Statistical and Research Purposes

Confidentiality Information Series


Part 1 - What is confidentiality and why is it important?

Part 2 - Understanding re-identification

Part 3 - Managing the risk of disclosure: The Five Safes Framework

Part 4 - Managing the risk of disclosure: Treating Aggregate Data

Part 5 - Managing the risk of disclosure: Treating Microdata

Part 6 - ABS Microdata: Uses and impacts on research Quality

Glossary of terms

Data Linking Information Series

What is Data Linking?

Preparing for Linking

Deterministic linking and linkage keys

Probabilistic Linking

Linked Data Quality

Commonwealth Arrangements Information Series

Sheet 1: An Overview of the Commonwealth Arrangements

Sheet 2: Implementation of the Commonwealth Arrangements

Sheet 3: Conducting a Data Integration Project

Sheet 4: Data Custodians and the Commonwealth Arrangements

Sheet 5: Integrating Authorities

Sheet 6: Accreditation of an Integrating Authority

Sheet 7: Data Users and the Commonwealth Arrangements