Data Integration Projects
A Guide to Data Integration Projects involving Commonwealth Data for Statistical and Research Purposes
Part 1 - What is confidentiality and why is it important?
Part 2 - Understanding re-identification
Part 3 - Managing the risk of disclosure: The Five Safes Framework
Part 4 - Managing the risk of disclosure: Treating Aggregate Data
Part 5 - Managing the risk of disclosure: Treating Microdata
Part 6 - ABS Microdata: Uses and impacts on research Quality
Deterministic linking and linkage keys
Sheet 1: An Overview of the Commonwealth Arrangements
Sheet 2: Implementation of the Commonwealth Arrangements
Sheet 3: Conducting a Data Integration Project
Sheet 4: Data Custodians and the Commonwealth Arrangements
Sheet 5: Integrating Authorities
Sheet 6: Accreditation of an Integrating Authority
Sheet 7: Data Users and the Commonwealth Arrangements