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Data Integration Framework

Cross Portfolio Data Integration Oversight Board: Terms of Reference


1. In October 2010 the Secretaries’ Board endorsed a set of governance and institutional arrangements for data integration involving Commonwealth data, including the establishment of a Cross Portfolio Data Integration Oversight Board ('the Board'). The aim is to build a safe and effective environment for data integration activities.

Membership and conflict of interest provisions

2. The Board will be chaired by the Australian Statistician and membership will include the Secretaries of the Department of Social Services; the Department of Health; and the Department of Human Services. Membership is not a delegable function.

3. Any Board member who has a real or apparent conflict of interest in a particular decision must exempt himself or herself from the decision made by the Board.

Role of the Board

4. For data integration projects involving Commonwealth data, the Board will:

  • agree guidelines for accreditation of Integrating Authorities and review and decide on applications from proponents to become Integrating Authorities with the capacity to deal with high risk data integration projects involving Commonwealth data;
  • provide strategic and collaborative leadership, support effective governance and help manage the risks of particular projects;
  • help manage the systemic risk associated with conducting multiple data integration projects; and
  • endorse changes or additions to the overall environment e.g. the development of new general tools to support integration or safe access to integrated data.

Activities of the Board

5. The Board will review data integration projects which pose a significant level of systemic risk, advise on risk mitigation strategies, and review any adverse incidents of high public concern. The Board will also approve a comprehensive set of guidelines describing best practice for data integration projects involving Commonwealth data, and establish reference groups, as required, to provide support.


6. The Board will consult with the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner on a needs basis. This will allow the Office to remain independent of decisions made by the Board. The Board will also consult with representatives from the research community or other parties as required.


7. The operations of, and arrangements for, the Cross Portfolio Data Integration Oversight Board and its Secretariat are to be reviewed at the end of 2015.